An Ode to the Primal Instincts*
Hunks of cheese in a crunchy salad
The tender touch of tempered gravy
Desserts bring on the multiple orgasms
Part III: Yuppie in the City...
1) From a morning-person, I've become an absolute night owl. My senses of smell and sight, hand-eye co-ordination, alertness and imagination begin to take full effect post midnight, peaking at 4 am. It hit me today, when I was yawning and feeling woozy all evening. I've yawned through 65% of classes in the last two years, which were unfairly in the daytime. Then I write this blog at 6 am, feeling perfectly awake. (6 am at night, not early morning.)
2) My tolerance to mess (my room), small spaces (my room again), loud music (neighboring rooms... not, not you DJ), common loos and bad food has increased.
3) My tolerance for pfaff, stupidity, loud people and slackers has dangerously decreased.
4) I don't need a phone now, so long as I have the Internet. I don't know whether I can work without a phone, but I can live without one.
5) I've started blogging about insignificant details of my life. It's fun to play to an audience... feeding the voyeur in others, hoping to fulfil my own voyeuristic desires.
6) I'm lost without bullet points. And a touchpad... how do people use that contraption named after a common house rodent?
7) I thought Masters would be my last degree... now I might just want more.
8) I've regretted not being an engineer - something I never felt during the pursuit of that crappy Genetics Bachelors degree.
9) I'm not scandalized by anything, anymore.
10) I've learnt that the best way to come to terms with stress and trouble is to not have anyone dealing with it for you.
11) Now I know how to par-tay! And romance Mr. Bacchus. And con Mrs. Hangover.
12) I weigh 5 kilos more. Argh! (I swear they'll be gone in the next two months.)
13) I'm not grossed out by a lot of things - spiders, centipedes, lizards, frogs, dogs, monkeys, weird bugs, butt-wiggling dancers and watching all of the above humping.
14) I eat out more often. A lot more often
15) I read less than one book a month - a sacrilege, two years ago.
16) I brought 12 pairs of shoes to MICA. Different ones for going to classes, going out in the daytime, going out in the evening, going out in the evening (spare), loo-use, room-use, to wear with skirts, sneakers, party shoes, formal shoes, rain-wear and arbit pair. Now I have only 3 pairs. Loo-use, formal shoes and an ALL-purpose pair of floaters. The floaters don't exactly "go" with a lot of outfits... but strangely, I've ceased to care.
17) I'm going to pursue a career that I never imagined I would. (Which kid says "I want to be a media planner when I grow up"?)
18) I've seen that it is still possible to make friends-for-life. Even at 22.
There... that was fun to blog about. And it took just 30 minutes, with a Su-doku break.