Some time ago, we had lectures with a very interesting visiting prof. Now, what we learnt was good. But what made the lectures fascinating was the prof himself. Anj & I found ourselves momentarily smitten... almost to the point of objectifying the prof. Other women in the class didn't share the same... er... feelings. That's when it hit me... I find the geeky kind terribly attractive. I mean, I've found them cute, but now it's so much a part of me that I've stopped noticing the geekiness. And it's not like I'm a teenager-with-heart-on-my-sleeve.
What makes this strata of population so hot? They would have to qualify for at least 6 of the following 10 filters. (And I'm talking in MR jargon now.)
- The willingness to accept that they're geeky
- The no-particular-hairstyle-hair. (Copyright: Anjali)
- The slightly crumpled pants/faded jeans with nice shirt or sweater.
- The rich voice.
- The underplayed suave.
- The way they can speak sense and the amazing clarity of thought.
- The inherent tech skills.
- The way they might think hot women are attractive, but always prefer the normal looking women.
- The way they rubbish theory, and can yet be very scientific.
- Sigh... the glasses.
I've also noticed recently that adding an "age of 30+" filter to the above makes them twice as yummy. But sadly, they're all snapped up by that age. If my blog weren't public, I'd love to share some examples :-)
I'm going to ISB for Poseidon next week. Got a final shortlist for an event. Plus, there's the quiz with J Krishnamurthi. And of course, I'll be visiting Hyderabad after a year. It's my all-time favourite city. The perfect mix of north & south India. I know I'd want to live there for a couple of years, some time in the future.
Loved ISB last year. Hope I love it even more this year.
Have been watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S again. It's good fun to watch it alone... but even more fun to watch it with someone who enjoys it as much as you do. Warm hug to all the people who I've watched & discussed tiny details of the show with over the last 6 years. :-)
momentarily smitten?? VERRRRRY long moment, that:D its still continuing hehhehee
and you've forgotten the one open shirt button and the vest tucked in the underpants :D
Ok ok... I know u had a moment :p
And see, I've given u due credits above.
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