The Trouble with Love is...
The average B-Schooler is an evolved species. He/she has survived the tribulations of 4 years of Engineering education (or for lesser mortals - 3 years of graduation), a year or two or more of work and CAT. The battle-weary B-Schooler enters the institute with high expectations:
- A two year holiday,
- A mine's-bigger-than-yours large pay-package &
- A hope to get hitched/get laid/or maybe fall in love.
Points #1 & #2 are well... yawn.The fun begins with Point #3.
Follow the charts below to study... er... Kinship in B-Schools.
2) Post-Fresher's Party
3) Post-Summers
4) Convocation
The complexities of B-School relationships, mixed with many plastic cups of vodka & Sprite go far beyond the campus walls. Girlfriends & boyfriends become Ex-es over a party, an assignment or other guy/girl. The couple you think are perfect for each other turn out to be the first ones to bite the dust. And just when you think there can be no more hook-ups in your batch, you hear things during water-cooler conversations ;-)
Infidelity isn’t an anomaly at B-Schools. It is a way of life.
... and love is a four-letter word.
Totally agree. Am well on the road to complete cynicism.
1 term to go, and not much left see-- or hear. you know what im talking about, deepa;)
PRETEND water cooler conversations!!!!!!!
one nice post
quite comprehensive/exhaustive
(but its unfair ...shud have mentioned which categories in each matrix u belong to ;-)..)
I'm not a participant... only a researcher. The only thing I learnt at B-School was to make matrices.
And hear stuff.
so glad u blogged on infidelity. Was fed up reading abt the wonders of the four letter word... Pervert, I am talking about L.O.V.E. there :-)
and snooty bitch complains saying "1 term to go and not much left to HEAR or see...". I have this to tell her... 2 HEARINGS in a week already. How much more action do u want woman!!!
shall we just say its great senior gyaan????
and u didnt mention if any part of the post was semi biographical
:-) that was really good deepa - been reading your blog for sometime now..and find you sooo relateable - call it MICA bonding..! and having belonged to the first combo of the matrix all along...(finally getting married this march - u guessed it right - to the guy my parents found ;-)!! I really enjoyed reading your findings- soooo true..!!
do mail me if you can (ashnotrai at gmail dot com), all the best for your placements...!
btw, r u a tam(looking for more similiarities!!)
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