Thursday, January 19, 2006

GD = Gruesome Death (of hope and happiness)

Placement week kicked off (officially) today. And I'm unplaced so far. There are 3 companies that I'm/was keen on getting into, out of the 40 odd ones on campus.

The first I wanted for some weird, twisted reasons, even though I knew that I'd hate the profile they offered. (All names will be revealed after all 61 of us in the batch have been placed). It involved a guy & some ego. Thankfully I didn't make it.

The second company was on campus today. I came to MICA with the intention of getting enough learning to be placed in the management side of a media house/agency that was respectable. We had one of those on campus today. 35 applicants, just because they were offering one of the highest pay packages this year. The GD was a disaster... Among those they shortlisted were people who don't give a f**k about media and still believe they merit the job.

So, how can HR guys decide within 20 mins of a GD with 10 people, who is focused enough for the job and can do it well? How can a 20 minute GD undo all the good that you've done for the last 20 years? I can't talk in uncivilized GDs. I find it too intimidating and extremely silly that you need to make a series of 4 illogical statements to be noticed. Despite this, I've done pretty well at the places I've studied in or worked at.

I find "GD jargon" hilarious. C'mon! Do people speak like this in real life business situations?
  • "I agree with her but..." (If you are refuting why do you have to begin by agreeing?)
  • "I would like to add to her point" (Do you even know what my point is?)
  • "Can I finish what I'm saying?" (Yes you can... when we're outside the room)

I don't think my entire work life is going to be one long JAM session - where I have to speak uniterrupted nonsense. If this is the only way companies have to decide who fits the bill, they will see people jumping jobs even before the MT stint is up.

There's just one more company that I really care about & have my heart set on - and they will be on campus tomorrow.

If I don't make it there... I'm taking up a career as a wannabe writer. Have already thought of title of my first book - "Life is a Female Canine"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

one door closes ....another one opens.
just look out and you will find another opportunity knocking at your door

but yeah is cruel at times,its unfair at times
...but who said it will be kind and fair ?

as they say hope for the best... prepare for the worst

all the best

January 19, 2006 6:17 AM  
Blogger Jayesh said...

GDs is another instance of having a process for process sake so that HR can claim that they have a muti-threaded way to choose the people they like. Get over GDs soon , as once you enter the world of corporation you will hear better and more sterile talk in what is known as business meetings.

January 28, 2006 2:27 AM  
Blogger Dr. Gonzo said...

You know what. All our ideas about life in B schools and profiles and things that you have wanted to be a certain way in a certain job?

None of those matter in the least. The guy who gives a shit about media, and you who might be crazy about the company, for the company you both are the same if you both are equally talented, coz experience has shown that interest for managers unless you have actually seen what's on offer counts for bullshit. Infact, you might have a higher chance of running away coz you are already expecting things a certain way.

As far as GDs are concerned, the real world is like that. Screamy. Illogical. Noisy. If you can't make a point to closely observing gentlemen from among 10 people seated in a room actually discussing the same thing, hell you shouldn't be looking for a job in a media company!

Shouldn't they take you by looking at your face? Why exams either huh?

God, woman, when you have a problem with something, suggest a solution to the world. Else all you end up doing is sounding like a whiner, even if you might be right!

January 28, 2006 1:26 PM  
Blogger DeepBlueSea said...

hehe... am loving this.

@ prakriti... i did get placed in a media company and I know I'll do well there. the whole world isn't about smooth talk without intelligence or focus you know.

as for a solution... here's one - scrutinize CVs, spend 10 minutes extra on interviews... use GDs as evaluation rather than elimintation... make shorlists... research the last few candidates through contacts/online sources... the HR fellas are paid to do this & they want to take the easy way out??

January 28, 2006 1:37 PM  
Blogger Dr. Gonzo said...

Deepa, that is the precise problem with all MBAs, and that includes me. This swagger. That blank ego. And the real world exists to just break that up.

Glad that you got placed in a media company as you wanted, and kudos to your confidance that you would do well in there.

Kindly just mark up my comment to be read again this same time, next year, umm?

Life is like that. Noisy.

January 29, 2006 11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The first I wanted for some weird, twisted reasons, even though I knew that I'd hate the profile they offered. (All names will be revealed after all 61 of us in the batch have been placed). It involved a guy & some ego. Thankfully I didn't make it."


March 10, 2006 12:56 PM  

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