Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Of pick-up lines & number games

This is a little montage of pick-up lines/cheesy hits/romantic mumblings I've used (YES!) , heard being used & heard of being used. All those who I've borrowed from would, I'm sure, not like to be given credit. Particularly dedicated to Anj... who might need to use them very soon.

+ "Awwww"
It's got almost 100% success. If the other person is slightly drunk & slightly depressed. ;-)

+ "You will never age, fade or die for me."
Stolen from Shakespeare in Love, this is a trademark line that's supposed to make women go weak in the knees. It works.

+ "Ooh... There's a heavenly body missing from the sky tonight. Oh look, it's right next to me"
Good, if you're standing next to someone & looking at an expansive black sky. Works even better on the 6th date when you're waiting for something to happen, but you're both too shy to make it happen. Works best if you're using sidey pick-up lines on each other, just for the fun of it.

+ "You want my phone number?"
Can't get more blatant than this one, can it? The unfortunate user was one of my smartest friends who misheard a cute waiter at a coffee-house saying "Ma'am, what name should I place the order on?"

+ "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"
Anj... use this one. Or be ready to hear it from the yummy GSB 27-year-old blokes.
One evening isn't much time.

+ "You had me at hello"
Sigh.... my favourite line ever. I think it's much sweeter that "You complete me" from the same movie. Would swoon if used on me (if guy met pre-requisites of course)


I'm addicted to Su-doku... the weird Japanese sounding number game. Well, it's as Japanese as french fries are French. And it is not a number game either. You can replace 1-9 with A-I and it'd still be the same... it could even be more interesting - it could throw up some cool 4-letter-word combinations.

The first time I heard about Su-doku was during summer internship, a little before it caught on in India. But I got hooked on to it only recently... thanks to an idle mind among other things.

I've heard some interesting myths about Su-doku... that it prevents Alzhiemer's Disease (cool... now I just need to solve 345 different puzzles & I'll not need medical insurance). And that people who do Su-dokus also love crossword puzzles. Well, I love crosswords... but I know of lots of typical non-verbal folks who can crack evil Sudokus in under 20 mins but would run miles away from crosswords. The same folks wouldn't touch Su-Dokus with a bargepole if 1-9 was A-I instead.

I think quizzers & cryptic crossword solvers will have a larger overlap area in a Venn Diagram. Don't really regard a quick clue crossword to be the real thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you nut, can u see me being able to carry off any of those??!!!!!!! LOL:D:D

also, fortunately or unfortunately, "yummy GSBs" are a non-existent breed. the ones i've seen are pretty duh too.. goodness knows how many times i'll have to walk by:D

Love the last one..


December 21, 2005 11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, there are lots of people who can do Sudoku easily but not touch crosswords. They are completely different domains - Sudoku is a 9-coloring of a certain 81-node regular graph with vertex degree 20. You could replace the digits with colors, symbols, whatever and still get an isomorphic problem. You can't really do that with crosswords, which are basically constrained string permutations and regular expression searches (constrained to a given dictionary of legal strings). In other words, crossword solutions require at least a rudimentary semantic net to filter out irrelevant candidates on the basis of their meaning. And yes, the more cryptic the crossword, the more quiz-like the solver. On the other hand, those who are attracted to quick crosswords might like quizzes with questions like "What is the capital of Burkina Faso?".

Now guess who I am.

December 21, 2005 11:26 AM  
Blogger DeepBlueSea said...

Anj... we'll make you look pretty and less boring... mebbe it will help. :p (Sorry, I don't feel like being nice. Am still stuck on campus & u're pigging out at home.)

& Arun... I didn't even have to read through the whole thing to know it's you :-)

December 22, 2005 3:58 AM  

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