Dilbert on Projects
Couldn't stop laughing after I read this... especially now, when I'm making my CV for the placement brochure.
Dilbert Principle says to avoid any project that has the following in the title:
Dilbert Principle says to avoid any project that has the following in the title:
- Accounting
- Operations
- Budget
- Quality
- Analysis
And seek out any project with these "resume ready" words:
- Worldwide
- Strategic
- Revenue
- MArket
- Competitive
- Technology
Adding some of my own to avoid:
- Implications
- Qualitative
- Database
- Children ;-)
- Paradigm (I love to hate this word)
- Obeservational
And some to seek out:
- Innovations ;-) :-*
- Trends (pfaff - ready)
- Quantitative
- Model
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